Day 3 Tucson 2013

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Day 3

The weather continues to assist us in this trip – what gorgeous days! This day we wandered to the tent city of Moroccan minerals. After some friendly haggling, we are bringing home Orange and White Selenite products. Everyone is very fierce during negotiations, and smiles breakout after monies have exchanged hands. It’s an interesting experience, interacting with people from other cultures.

Several of the smaller shows from previous years have collapsed and those dealers have flocked to a new venue, making it a premier site for collectors and high-end dealers. We strolled around, looking for merchandise and gawking at incredible specimens. From gold nuggets to fossilized pine cones from Argentina, this show has something for everyone. The pictured Sonoran Sunrise material is composed of chrysocolla (copper silicate mineral with a blue-green color) and cuprite, which has great variations of red!

After leaving this venue, we crossed town to the jewelry showrooms. Every possible design in all stones, cabbed and faceted, can be found here. Jewelry addicts, beware! Here we found a vendor with glass buoys and statues from the South Seas…a very eclectic collection!

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