Monthly Archives: December 2020

Winter Solstice/Christmas Animal Stories: Messenger Dogs

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Winter Solstice/Christmas Animal Stories Ancient legends abound with tales of animals that gain the power to speak on cold winter nights. It certainly seems they understand and respond to the humans they love.  Messenger Dogs Chris Stevens, the gregarious DJ from the television show Northern Exposure, once announced to his listeners in Cicely, Alaska, that […]

Winter Solstice/Christmas Animal Stories: Ox Love

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Winter Solstice/Christmas Animal Stories Ancient legends abound with tales of animals that gain the power to speak on cold winter nights. It certainly seems they understand and respond to the humans they love. Ox Love Many have tried to test the truth of the ancient tales, none with more positive results than Harvey, the man […]

A Christmas Star on a Winter Solstice Night

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December 21, 2020 marks the winter solstice for the northern hemisphere of the planet Earth, a date important in Celtic, Wiccan, and countless other cultures around the world throughout history and pre-history. The winter solstice, also known as midwinter, occurs when one of the Earth’s poles has its maximum tilt away from the Sun. It happens twice […]