Octopus is a symbol of purity and creativity. It is strongly emotional and has great psychic ability. It is the symbol of keen psychic ability and has the power to inspire others to develop their spiritual qualities. It is agile and flexible. It moves with grace. It is adaptable and insightful. It enhances free will and focus. It represents logic and reason. It symbolizes strategy, mystery, complexity, and vision.
Octopus is a Mollusk in the class Cephalopod. It resides in many parts of the oceans of the world especially near coral reefs. It is a highly intelligent animal and a great problem solver. It has impacted human culture throughout history. It appears in a stone carving from the Bronze Age of a fisherman carrying the head of an Octopus. It is the inspiration for many versions of sea monsters. In Norse mythology it is Kraken. In inspired the Greek mythological monster Gorgon. In the Ainu culture it was Akkorokamui. In a Hawaiian creation myth, it is the lone survivor of a previous universe.
An Octopus totem brings intelligence and efficiency. One with the Octopus totem will be a productive worker who knows how to get what they want. Octopus is effective at camouflaging its emotions and goals. It is agile and flexible. It is quick thinking and good at abstract reasoning. It can delve into mysteries and use secrets to survive.
An Octopus dream or vision could be a reminder that all is never lost. It could be a suggestion to look to your foundations. It could be a warning that you are carrying excess baggage that needs to be cut loose. It could be a symbol of your ability to multi-task. It is sometimes a reminder that you should take time to prioritize. If you dream you are the Octopus, it can be a warning that you are trying to control others and should look to a possible co-dependent relationship that is harming you.
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