Day 5 Tucson 2013

smokey celestial from brazil 640x448

Day 5

Today we continue our quest to find pyramids and new material to bring home. We began with a visit to well-known Peruvian vendors. We were lucky to find hearts made from Angelite and Serpentine. Once again, we learned that their pyramids had been bought out. Is there an unconscious, universal desire for this shape? We have never had this experience in Tucson before. Quite mystifying!

At our next stop, a vendor from India, knowing of our quest, had found and set aside small Lapis lazuli and Clear Quartz pyramids for us. Hallelujah! The Tucson network had come through for us – it’s amazing how small, yet how large, the mineral community can be.

Since we were close to the ‘Strip’, we returned to the area where vendors from Brazil gather. New material had been unpacked. Smoky Quartz points and Smoky Citrine points were added to our treasures. To add to our stock of blades, we purchased a few Blue Kyanite clusters. These stand-ups are a composite of blades, quartz, mica, garnets and tourmaline. A new source of Emeralds was found so these tumbles are again available.

As we crisscrossed the city, we found Cactus Quartz [aka Spirit Quartz or Fairy Quartz] specimens and other items from South Africa, Nuumitt hearts from Greenland, and Obsidian pyramids and tumbles from Mexico. Our searches are finally bearing fruit. We will keep looking for quality, affordable material to bring home.

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