Dani’s Totem Makes an Appearance.

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Dani stepped out of the Medicine Woman’s home and looked at the world with new eyes. She took in everything she saw with purpose. She began her search for signs from the world that would lead her to the right totem. She remembered the Medicine Woman’s words and walked rapidly to the place where the […]

The Power of the Moose

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The Medicine Woman sat in the teaching circle surrounded by the women of the tribe. When the smoke from cleansing herbs cleared the room of all negativity, she began her lesson and said: “The moose totem carries the greatest strength for women. Long ago, before humans walked on the planet, all of the animals of […]

Day 2 Tucson 2015

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Day 2 After a hearty breakfast, we queued early with other buyers awaiting the opening of an international show, which features gemstones, cut gems, beads and finished jewelry. Security is very high; tension mounts as people jostle for position. Prior to our arrival, there was a six vehicle accident right at the show’s entrance as […]