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It’s that time of year where excitement fills the air for us. Tucson Gem and Mineral shows are just around the corner – our favorite time of year! We will have the opportunity to see incredible sites and sounds, and re-connect with old friends.

Dealers and miners come from all over the world, bringing their wears and findings from a year of collecting. These are on display for all rockhounds and merchants to see. For not only are sellers from all over the world, but also buyers from other countries gather in Tucson. Merchandise may change hands several times here before reaching their final destination.

Lots of preparation for us:  make lists of our inventory needs and wants, gathering special requests and packing. Traveling 1918 miles for this annual event is a lot of work, but also lots of fun! While in Tucson, we will catch up with friends we only see once a year and sometimes for just a short time. We will look for new treasures and beautiful items to share with our customers. One of the greatest treasure though are the stories and experiences we will have and share on our return.

Tucson provides a small glimpse into the world and what is happening globally.  Some stones may be available this year that were not last or vise versa, depending on local events, politics, wars and cartel activity.

Tucson is upon us; we are excite to see what new adventures await us and the new material we will find!

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