Hedgehog represents fertility, abundance, creativity, curiosity, defensiveness, and intelligence.
Hedgehog is a spiny mammal in the subfamily Erinaceidae. There are seventeen species found all across Europe, Asia, and Africa. They have also been introduced in New Zealand. They share ancestry with shrews and have changed little over the last fifteen million years. They are usually brown although there are also some blonde species. They are covered with a spiny exterior much like that of a porcupine. Their life span is two to five years. When threatened, they can roll into a spiny ball that protects them from predators. They are known to be immune or partially immune from snake venom. They are usually nocturnal animals although some species also show activity during the day. One of their interesting traits is a process called anointing. When they encounter a new scent, they chew its source and form a paste in their mouth which they rub or “anoint” onto their spines. They are omnivores and feed on many insects, worms, and caterpillars considered detrimental to agriculture which makes them a friend to farmers They have been referred to as Hedgehog since approximately 1450. They are found in many cultural stories and tales from all over Europe, Africa, and Asia. They have often been treated as a cultural hero that has instructed humans on the arts of life such as fire-making, agriculture, and marriage customs. They have even been thought to have assisted God with creation of the Earth. In ancient Egypt, Hedgehog was used as a talisman for safety. The ancient Egyptians also considered Hedgehog, like the Scarab, as a symbol of rebirth. Many Southern European tribes embraced Hedgehog as the representative of victory over death and evil forces. After watching Hedgehogs use their spines to pierce grapes and then eat them, Greeks and Romans considered Hedgehog the symbol of intelligence, ingenuity, and cleverness. The Romans saw Hedgehog as the harbinger of Spring much like Groundhog in modern legends. In many cultures Mother Earth is believed to appear to humans in the form of Hedgehog. In Babylonia, the goddess of love, Ishtar, included Hedgehog as one of her sacred animals. In many Slavic fairy tales, Hedgehog appears as a wise guide with ancient wisdom and magical powers. There is a Finnish legend that Hedgehog brought soil to the Earth. In Latvia, it has been believed that Hedgehog suggested that God squeeze the Earth to create mountains. There are Balkan tales that Hedgehog discovered a magical plant that can open locks and lead to great treasure. In the Far East, legend provided that Hedgehog provided humans with the element of fire and assisted with all harvests. Hedgehog is considered to have a symbolic connection with motherhood, inner peace, and the purest of happiness.
Those born with the Hedgehog totem are usually gentle, curious, and full of positive energy. There may be a tendency to be overly sensitive. To overcome such feelings, a hedgehog must recharge in a natural environment. One with a Hedgehog totem is almost always a nature lover. A hedgehog totem brings with it an ability to make it through any challenge that comes along.
A Hedgehog spirit animal usually comes to you when it feels like no one is ever going to understand you. It brings you a message that alone time is an important part of life necessary for recharging your inner strength. The Hedgehog spirit animal sparks the deepest curiosity. It may heighten your senses of smelling and hearing. It may bring clairvoyance and clairaudience.
The Hedgehog power animal may help to improve communication and interaction with spirit beings. Use it as an aid in communication on all levels.
Hedgehog comes in dreams when you are feeling exposed and misunderstood. It may help you to overcome whatever communication problem you are experiencing. It can also be a sign that you will soon meet a true and loyal friend.
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