Panther is power. It symbolizes courage, passion, and valor. It is a patient hunter. It is graceful and beautiful in life.
Panthers are found in Asia, Africa and the Americas. Panther is a carnivorous mammalian predator at the top of the food chain. It usually hunts at dusk or dawn to maximize camouflage. It can run at speeds up to 35 miles per hour when chasing down prey. Panthers sometimes have spotted tawny fur and sometimes black fur. Throughout history, it has been recognized by cultures around the world as a fierce hunter deserving of great respect. The pre-Columbian Maya culture worshipped many gods and goddesses associated with Panther. It was recognized as a great protector with transcendent power. In Greek mythology, Panther was the favored mount of Dionysus, the god of grape harvests and wine.
The Panther totem is very powerful and protective. It is a fierce and aggressive guardian. It offers great protection to its family and friends. It acts with courage, unafraid of the most difficult of challenges.
A Panther dream or vision may be a reminder that you have a powerful protector in your life or coming to your life. It may be a warning that you are acting in a manner that is too aggressive.
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