Panther Tiger Eye


SIZE: 1.0 W x 1.4 D x 2.25” H

Tiger Eye Panther

The Tiger Eye Panther makes good decisions. Tiger Eye is a stone of protection that promotes harmony and balance. It aids in the release of fear and anxiety. It may be used to help in making decisions unclouded by emotion.  It is a powerful stone that may lead you to greater understanding of the world around you. It has healing properties that can aid in resolving mental health problems. It may bring good luck. Tiger Eye and Panther create a vibration of protective and rational balance. This is a good talisman to keep close when life-altering decisions will be made. If you are considering ending a relationship or quitting your job or selling your house or any of the kinds of decisions that will drastically alter your existence, use the powerful vibration of this talisman to help you make the right decision. Tiger Eye’s vibration will clear your vision and Panther will empower your ability to face the truth without illusion.

Important: This photo is only for your reference, and is representative of the material.Individual carvings may vary slightly in size, color, or, inclusions. We will do our best to select individual pieces that best represent the stone you have chosen.


1 in stock