Bear Howlite (Walking)


SIZE: 2.25” L x 1.0” W x 1.2”

Howlite Bear

Howlite is a stone that brings a great calm to the world. It can be an aid to deep sleep and dream retention. It can help to ease insomnia.  It acts to calm an overactive mind.

The combination of Bear’s strength with Howlite is a natural aid to those who suffer from insomnia or seek to gain knowledge from their dreams. Place this talisman on your bedside table and feel its soothing vibration ease you into restful sleep.

Important: This photo is only for your reference, and is representative of the material.Individual carvings may vary slightly in size, color, or, inclusions. We will do our best to select individual pieces that best represent the stone you have chosen.


1 in stock