Dolphin Obsidian


SIZE:: 1.5” x 1.3” x .3”


Dolphin is a spirit with delightfully charming energy that brings healing to the mind, body, and soul. It is universally recognized as a symbol of happiness and playfulness. Dolphins also symbolize birth and rebirth as well as love, curiosity, and vivaciousness.

Carry the Dolphin Pocket Stone to honor the beautiful spirit of this charming animal spirit. It will heighten your ability to see with the wisdom of the ancient and embrace life with the joyous playful attitude of a child. Be a true child of the universe with the power of Dolphin to guide you.


Cleanse the aura and shield against negative energy of all kinds as you sharpen the senses and enhance self-esteem with the vibration of this highly protective stone.

Important: This photo is only for your reference, and is representative of the material.Individual carvings may vary slightly in size, color, or, inclusions. We will do our best to select individual pieces that best represent the stone you have chosen.


1 in stock